2024-MSCA-Reserve list
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2025 5:07 am
2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Hello all,
Firstly, congratulations to those who received funding. Such an achievement!
For those of us who are still waiting - the shortlisted applicants - let's use this space to discuss the reserve list. Even though the cutoff marks have not been released yet, it appears that the grades are much higher than in previous years.
So, let's share our marks and panels, as well as any other information on the reserve list and status that you receive from the NCP, etc.
You can email the NCP (National Contact Points) of the country where your host institute is located to inquire. They will provide you with your ranking position on the reserve list.
Find their emails in this URL
Mine: EF-CHE, 93.0, ranking 17.
Firstly, congratulations to those who received funding. Such an achievement!
For those of us who are still waiting - the shortlisted applicants - let's use this space to discuss the reserve list. Even though the cutoff marks have not been released yet, it appears that the grades are much higher than in previous years.
So, let's share our marks and panels, as well as any other information on the reserve list and status that you receive from the NCP, etc.
You can email the NCP (National Contact Points) of the country where your host institute is located to inquire. They will provide you with your ranking position on the reserve list.
Find their emails in this URL
Mine: EF-CHE, 93.0, ranking 17.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2025 6:55 am
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Yes, I think it is a good idea to discuss here. I am just wondering how many impacts on the final granting in reserve list due to including UK projects this year...Maybe it would decrease, but not sure how
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Reserve list 95% GF SOC.
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Here are the cuf off scores:
https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tende ... ePageState
MSCA-PF-2024: Cumulative percentage of proposals above threshold, with a given score or higher (funding range marked in green)
Number of eligible proposals 1428 proposals 162 proposals 1560 proposals 966 proposals 1966 proposals 196 proposals 1032 proposals 1912 proposals 60 proposals 15 proposals 109 proposals 107 proposals 143 proposals 10 proposals 110 proposals 436 proposals
Cut off score for funding* 93.6 92.0 94.8 95.2 94.2 91.4 92.0 94.2 95.0 92.0 96.4 95.2 96.0 92.8 95.0 96.0
100 1.05% 0.62% 2.05% 1.76% 1.53% 1.02% 0.29% 1.73% 1.67% 0.00% 3.67% 1.87% 0.70% 0.00% 2.73% 2.75%
99 1.89% 1.23% 2.76% 3.73% 2.95% 1.02% 0.68% 3.19% 1.67% 0.00% 7.34% 5.61% 1.40% 0.00% 3.64% 4.36%
98 4.69% 3.09% 6.03% 7.87% 6.10% 3.06% 2.33% 6.69% 6.67% 0.00% 11.01% 8.41% 4.90% 0.00% 7.27% 10.09%
97 6.30% 3.70% 9.29% 9.94% 8.34% 4.59% 4.17% 9.26% 6.67% 0.00% 13.76% 12.15% 9.09% 0.00% 10.91% 13.53%
96 8.61% 6.17% 12.05% 13.87% 11.70% 6.63% 6.20% 11.98% 8.33% 0.00% 16.51% 14.95% 16.08% 0.00% 14.55% 17.43%
95 12.11% 8.64% 15.51% 17.49% 15.06% 10.71% 9.30% 14.64% 16.67% 0.00% 20.18% 19.63% 24.48% 10.00% 17.27% 21.10%
94 15.83% 10.49% 18.14% 20.81% 18.01% 12.76% 11.72% 17.73% 25.00% 0.00% 24.77% 23.36% 26.57% 10.00% 21.82% 23.39%
93 18.56% 13.58% 20.06% 24.74% 21.57% 14.29% 14.24% 20.08% 35.00% 6.67% 28.44% 26.17% 30.77% 10.00% 25.45% 25.69%
92 21.29% 17.28% 22.63% 28.36% 25.69% 16.33% 17.64% 23.17% 38.33% 20.00% 33.94% 32.71% 35.66% 20.00% 28.18% 27.52%
91 24.37% 21.60% 25.83% 30.95% 28.38% 19.90% 19.67% 25.78% 40.00% 20.00% 35.78% 34.58% 39.86% 30.00% 32.73% 31.19%
90 28.08% 25.31% 29.04% 34.89% 31.84% 23.47% 23.16% 27.51% 48.33% 26.67% 40.37% 40.19% 41.96% 40.00% 40.00% 34.17%
89 32.07% 26.54% 31.67% 37.78% 35.86% 26.02% 25.97% 29.92% 51.67% 33.33% 42.20% 42.06% 44.76% 60.00% 45.45% 36.47%
88 35.22% 26.54% 35.45% 40.89% 39.22% 28.57% 29.84% 32.11% 60.00% 33.33% 44.95% 45.79% 49.65% 60.00% 49.09% 40.60%
87 37.89% 28.40% 38.40% 44.10% 42.68% 30.61% 32.75% 34.83% 63.33% 33.33% 48.62% 57.01% 51.75% 70.00% 53.64% 44.27%
86 41.88% 30.25% 40.96% 46.27% 45.68% 31.63% 36.43% 37.08% 70.00% 33.33% 52.29% 58.88% 57.34% 70.00% 59.09% 47.71%
85 45.24% 33.33% 44.42% 50.00% 48.88% 36.22% 39.92% 39.33% 71.67% 33.33% 55.05% 61.68% 60.84% 70.00% 64.55% 51.61%
84 47.69% 34.57% 47.18% 53.00% 51.27% 39.80% 43.80% 42.15% 73.33% 33.33% 57.80% 64.49% 62.94% 70.00% 66.36% 54.13%
83 51.40% 38.89% 49.42% 55.80% 54.22% 41.84% 47.38% 45.08% 73.33% 40.00% 60.55% 68.22% 65.03% 70.00% 69.09% 55.96%
82 53.57% 40.74% 51.47% 58.39% 56.97% 45.41% 50.87% 47.70% 75.00% 46.67% 63.30% 71.03% 67.83% 70.00% 71.82% 59.40%
81 56.23% 41.98% 53.27% 61.28% 59.36% 48.98% 53.78% 49.74% 76.67% 46.67% 63.30% 74.77% 69.93% 70.00% 75.45% 62.16%
80 59.45% 43.21% 55.77% 63.56% 62.51% 51.02% 56.49% 52.14% 76.67% 53.33% 65.14% 77.57% 72.73% 90.00% 76.36% 64.68%
79 61.34% 45.06% 57.56% 65.22% 64.34% 53.57% 59.01% 54.45% 80.00% 60.00% 67.89% 82.24% 72.73% 90.00% 77.27% 66.51%
78 63.24% 46.30% 59.94% 66.77% 66.58% 56.12% 61.34% 56.96% 81.67% 60.00% 68.81% 84.11% 76.22% 90.00% 79.09% 68.12%
77 65.20% 49.38% 62.69% 69.25% 68.62% 58.67% 64.73% 59.26% 83.33% 66.67% 71.56% 86.92% 78.32% 90.00% 82.73% 70.64%
76 67.30% 51.85% 64.55% 71.22% 70.50% 59.69% 67.64% 60.88% 88.33% 66.67% 73.39% 86.92% 80.42% 100.00% 86.36% 72.94%
75 69.96% 54.32% 66.35% 73.29% 72.33% 63.27% 70.74% 62.55% 88.33% 66.67% 74.31% 87.85% 82.52% 100.00% 86.36% 75.00%
74 72.13% 55.56% 68.08% 75.98% 74.01% 65.31% 73.35% 64.12% 91.67% 66.67% 75.23% 88.79% 84.62% 100.00% 89.09% 75.92%
73 73.74% 56.17% 69.81% 77.12% 76.04% 66.84% 75.10% 65.90% 91.67% 66.67% 75.23% 89.72% 84.62% 100.00% 90.00% 77.75%
72 75.14% 58.64% 71.67% 78.88% 77.77% 68.88% 77.13% 67.78% 91.67% 66.67% 77.98% 89.72% 86.71% 100.00% 92.73% 78.67%
71 76.54% 61.73% 73.21% 79.81% 79.50% 70.41% 79.75% 70.14% 91.67% 66.67% 77.98% 90.65% 88.81% 100.00% 93.64% 80.28%
70 78.57% 64.20% 75.19% 81.68% 81.23% 71.43% 82.36% 71.71% 91.67% 73.33% 77.98% 92.52% 90.91% 100.00% 93.64% 81.19%
Percentage of proposals below threshold (<70) 21.43% 35.80% 24.81% 18.32% 18.77% 28.57% 17.64% 28.29% 8.33% 26.67% 22.02% 7.48% 9.09% 0.00% 6.36% 18.81%
https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tende ... ePageState
MSCA-PF-2024: Cumulative percentage of proposals above threshold, with a given score or higher (funding range marked in green)
Number of eligible proposals 1428 proposals 162 proposals 1560 proposals 966 proposals 1966 proposals 196 proposals 1032 proposals 1912 proposals 60 proposals 15 proposals 109 proposals 107 proposals 143 proposals 10 proposals 110 proposals 436 proposals
Cut off score for funding* 93.6 92.0 94.8 95.2 94.2 91.4 92.0 94.2 95.0 92.0 96.4 95.2 96.0 92.8 95.0 96.0
100 1.05% 0.62% 2.05% 1.76% 1.53% 1.02% 0.29% 1.73% 1.67% 0.00% 3.67% 1.87% 0.70% 0.00% 2.73% 2.75%
99 1.89% 1.23% 2.76% 3.73% 2.95% 1.02% 0.68% 3.19% 1.67% 0.00% 7.34% 5.61% 1.40% 0.00% 3.64% 4.36%
98 4.69% 3.09% 6.03% 7.87% 6.10% 3.06% 2.33% 6.69% 6.67% 0.00% 11.01% 8.41% 4.90% 0.00% 7.27% 10.09%
97 6.30% 3.70% 9.29% 9.94% 8.34% 4.59% 4.17% 9.26% 6.67% 0.00% 13.76% 12.15% 9.09% 0.00% 10.91% 13.53%
96 8.61% 6.17% 12.05% 13.87% 11.70% 6.63% 6.20% 11.98% 8.33% 0.00% 16.51% 14.95% 16.08% 0.00% 14.55% 17.43%
95 12.11% 8.64% 15.51% 17.49% 15.06% 10.71% 9.30% 14.64% 16.67% 0.00% 20.18% 19.63% 24.48% 10.00% 17.27% 21.10%
94 15.83% 10.49% 18.14% 20.81% 18.01% 12.76% 11.72% 17.73% 25.00% 0.00% 24.77% 23.36% 26.57% 10.00% 21.82% 23.39%
93 18.56% 13.58% 20.06% 24.74% 21.57% 14.29% 14.24% 20.08% 35.00% 6.67% 28.44% 26.17% 30.77% 10.00% 25.45% 25.69%
92 21.29% 17.28% 22.63% 28.36% 25.69% 16.33% 17.64% 23.17% 38.33% 20.00% 33.94% 32.71% 35.66% 20.00% 28.18% 27.52%
91 24.37% 21.60% 25.83% 30.95% 28.38% 19.90% 19.67% 25.78% 40.00% 20.00% 35.78% 34.58% 39.86% 30.00% 32.73% 31.19%
90 28.08% 25.31% 29.04% 34.89% 31.84% 23.47% 23.16% 27.51% 48.33% 26.67% 40.37% 40.19% 41.96% 40.00% 40.00% 34.17%
89 32.07% 26.54% 31.67% 37.78% 35.86% 26.02% 25.97% 29.92% 51.67% 33.33% 42.20% 42.06% 44.76% 60.00% 45.45% 36.47%
88 35.22% 26.54% 35.45% 40.89% 39.22% 28.57% 29.84% 32.11% 60.00% 33.33% 44.95% 45.79% 49.65% 60.00% 49.09% 40.60%
87 37.89% 28.40% 38.40% 44.10% 42.68% 30.61% 32.75% 34.83% 63.33% 33.33% 48.62% 57.01% 51.75% 70.00% 53.64% 44.27%
86 41.88% 30.25% 40.96% 46.27% 45.68% 31.63% 36.43% 37.08% 70.00% 33.33% 52.29% 58.88% 57.34% 70.00% 59.09% 47.71%
85 45.24% 33.33% 44.42% 50.00% 48.88% 36.22% 39.92% 39.33% 71.67% 33.33% 55.05% 61.68% 60.84% 70.00% 64.55% 51.61%
84 47.69% 34.57% 47.18% 53.00% 51.27% 39.80% 43.80% 42.15% 73.33% 33.33% 57.80% 64.49% 62.94% 70.00% 66.36% 54.13%
83 51.40% 38.89% 49.42% 55.80% 54.22% 41.84% 47.38% 45.08% 73.33% 40.00% 60.55% 68.22% 65.03% 70.00% 69.09% 55.96%
82 53.57% 40.74% 51.47% 58.39% 56.97% 45.41% 50.87% 47.70% 75.00% 46.67% 63.30% 71.03% 67.83% 70.00% 71.82% 59.40%
81 56.23% 41.98% 53.27% 61.28% 59.36% 48.98% 53.78% 49.74% 76.67% 46.67% 63.30% 74.77% 69.93% 70.00% 75.45% 62.16%
80 59.45% 43.21% 55.77% 63.56% 62.51% 51.02% 56.49% 52.14% 76.67% 53.33% 65.14% 77.57% 72.73% 90.00% 76.36% 64.68%
79 61.34% 45.06% 57.56% 65.22% 64.34% 53.57% 59.01% 54.45% 80.00% 60.00% 67.89% 82.24% 72.73% 90.00% 77.27% 66.51%
78 63.24% 46.30% 59.94% 66.77% 66.58% 56.12% 61.34% 56.96% 81.67% 60.00% 68.81% 84.11% 76.22% 90.00% 79.09% 68.12%
77 65.20% 49.38% 62.69% 69.25% 68.62% 58.67% 64.73% 59.26% 83.33% 66.67% 71.56% 86.92% 78.32% 90.00% 82.73% 70.64%
76 67.30% 51.85% 64.55% 71.22% 70.50% 59.69% 67.64% 60.88% 88.33% 66.67% 73.39% 86.92% 80.42% 100.00% 86.36% 72.94%
75 69.96% 54.32% 66.35% 73.29% 72.33% 63.27% 70.74% 62.55% 88.33% 66.67% 74.31% 87.85% 82.52% 100.00% 86.36% 75.00%
74 72.13% 55.56% 68.08% 75.98% 74.01% 65.31% 73.35% 64.12% 91.67% 66.67% 75.23% 88.79% 84.62% 100.00% 89.09% 75.92%
73 73.74% 56.17% 69.81% 77.12% 76.04% 66.84% 75.10% 65.90% 91.67% 66.67% 75.23% 89.72% 84.62% 100.00% 90.00% 77.75%
72 75.14% 58.64% 71.67% 78.88% 77.77% 68.88% 77.13% 67.78% 91.67% 66.67% 77.98% 89.72% 86.71% 100.00% 92.73% 78.67%
71 76.54% 61.73% 73.21% 79.81% 79.50% 70.41% 79.75% 70.14% 91.67% 66.67% 77.98% 90.65% 88.81% 100.00% 93.64% 80.28%
70 78.57% 64.20% 75.19% 81.68% 81.23% 71.43% 82.36% 71.71% 91.67% 73.33% 77.98% 92.52% 90.91% 100.00% 93.64% 81.19%
Percentage of proposals below threshold (<70) 21.43% 35.80% 24.81% 18.32% 18.77% 28.57% 17.64% 28.29% 8.33% 26.67% 22.02% 7.48% 9.09% 0.00% 6.36% 18.81%
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Thanks a lot guys for forwarding the info' !
I have just contacted the UK office for more info' ! Its damn frustrating, I am not far from the cutoff (0.4 point) in the ENV panel, I will give my rank as soon as I have a reply from the UK office !
I have just contacted the UK office for more info' ! Its damn frustrating, I am not far from the cutoff (0.4 point) in the ENV panel, I will give my rank as soon as I have a reply from the UK office !
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Okay, just got an automatic mail from R. Turner, she is no longer working at UK Research Office !
For those interested, here is the contact list provided in the mail and I am assuming we should send a mail to mariecurie-uk@ukro.ac.uk instead !
For general enquiries on Horizon Europe, please email ukro@ukro.ac.uk
For MSCA enquiries, please email mariecurie-uk@ukro.ac.uk
For ERC enquiries, please email erc-uk@ukro.ac.uk
For Widening enquiries, please email widera-uk@ukro.ac.uk
For those interested, here is the contact list provided in the mail and I am assuming we should send a mail to mariecurie-uk@ukro.ac.uk instead !
For general enquiries on Horizon Europe, please email ukro@ukro.ac.uk
For MSCA enquiries, please email mariecurie-uk@ukro.ac.uk
For ERC enquiries, please email erc-uk@ukro.ac.uk
For Widening enquiries, please email widera-uk@ukro.ac.uk
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Hi Marie, thanks for the info. I clicked on the link but I couldn't see the above information on the webpage :/Marie wrote: ↑Tue Feb 11, 2025 7:46 amHere are the cuf off scores:
https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tende ... ePageState
MSCA-PF-2024: Cumulative percentage of proposals above threshold, with a given score or higher (funding range marked in green)
Number of eligible proposals 1428 proposals 162 proposals 1560 proposals 966 proposals 1966 proposals 196 proposals 1032 proposals 1912 proposals 60 proposals 15 proposals 109 proposals 107 proposals 143 proposals 10 proposals 110 proposals 436 proposals
Cut off score for funding* 93.6 92.0 94.8 95.2 94.2 91.4 92.0 94.2 95.0 92.0 96.4 95.2 96.0 92.8 95.0 96.0
100 1.05% 0.62% 2.05% 1.76% 1.53% 1.02% 0.29% 1.73% 1.67% 0.00% 3.67% 1.87% 0.70% 0.00% 2.73% 2.75%
99 1.89% 1.23% 2.76% 3.73% 2.95% 1.02% 0.68% 3.19% 1.67% 0.00% 7.34% 5.61% 1.40% 0.00% 3.64% 4.36%
98 4.69% 3.09% 6.03% 7.87% 6.10% 3.06% 2.33% 6.69% 6.67% 0.00% 11.01% 8.41% 4.90% 0.00% 7.27% 10.09%
97 6.30% 3.70% 9.29% 9.94% 8.34% 4.59% 4.17% 9.26% 6.67% 0.00% 13.76% 12.15% 9.09% 0.00% 10.91% 13.53%
96 8.61% 6.17% 12.05% 13.87% 11.70% 6.63% 6.20% 11.98% 8.33% 0.00% 16.51% 14.95% 16.08% 0.00% 14.55% 17.43%
95 12.11% 8.64% 15.51% 17.49% 15.06% 10.71% 9.30% 14.64% 16.67% 0.00% 20.18% 19.63% 24.48% 10.00% 17.27% 21.10%
94 15.83% 10.49% 18.14% 20.81% 18.01% 12.76% 11.72% 17.73% 25.00% 0.00% 24.77% 23.36% 26.57% 10.00% 21.82% 23.39%
93 18.56% 13.58% 20.06% 24.74% 21.57% 14.29% 14.24% 20.08% 35.00% 6.67% 28.44% 26.17% 30.77% 10.00% 25.45% 25.69%
92 21.29% 17.28% 22.63% 28.36% 25.69% 16.33% 17.64% 23.17% 38.33% 20.00% 33.94% 32.71% 35.66% 20.00% 28.18% 27.52%
91 24.37% 21.60% 25.83% 30.95% 28.38% 19.90% 19.67% 25.78% 40.00% 20.00% 35.78% 34.58% 39.86% 30.00% 32.73% 31.19%
90 28.08% 25.31% 29.04% 34.89% 31.84% 23.47% 23.16% 27.51% 48.33% 26.67% 40.37% 40.19% 41.96% 40.00% 40.00% 34.17%
89 32.07% 26.54% 31.67% 37.78% 35.86% 26.02% 25.97% 29.92% 51.67% 33.33% 42.20% 42.06% 44.76% 60.00% 45.45% 36.47%
88 35.22% 26.54% 35.45% 40.89% 39.22% 28.57% 29.84% 32.11% 60.00% 33.33% 44.95% 45.79% 49.65% 60.00% 49.09% 40.60%
87 37.89% 28.40% 38.40% 44.10% 42.68% 30.61% 32.75% 34.83% 63.33% 33.33% 48.62% 57.01% 51.75% 70.00% 53.64% 44.27%
86 41.88% 30.25% 40.96% 46.27% 45.68% 31.63% 36.43% 37.08% 70.00% 33.33% 52.29% 58.88% 57.34% 70.00% 59.09% 47.71%
85 45.24% 33.33% 44.42% 50.00% 48.88% 36.22% 39.92% 39.33% 71.67% 33.33% 55.05% 61.68% 60.84% 70.00% 64.55% 51.61%
84 47.69% 34.57% 47.18% 53.00% 51.27% 39.80% 43.80% 42.15% 73.33% 33.33% 57.80% 64.49% 62.94% 70.00% 66.36% 54.13%
83 51.40% 38.89% 49.42% 55.80% 54.22% 41.84% 47.38% 45.08% 73.33% 40.00% 60.55% 68.22% 65.03% 70.00% 69.09% 55.96%
82 53.57% 40.74% 51.47% 58.39% 56.97% 45.41% 50.87% 47.70% 75.00% 46.67% 63.30% 71.03% 67.83% 70.00% 71.82% 59.40%
81 56.23% 41.98% 53.27% 61.28% 59.36% 48.98% 53.78% 49.74% 76.67% 46.67% 63.30% 74.77% 69.93% 70.00% 75.45% 62.16%
80 59.45% 43.21% 55.77% 63.56% 62.51% 51.02% 56.49% 52.14% 76.67% 53.33% 65.14% 77.57% 72.73% 90.00% 76.36% 64.68%
79 61.34% 45.06% 57.56% 65.22% 64.34% 53.57% 59.01% 54.45% 80.00% 60.00% 67.89% 82.24% 72.73% 90.00% 77.27% 66.51%
78 63.24% 46.30% 59.94% 66.77% 66.58% 56.12% 61.34% 56.96% 81.67% 60.00% 68.81% 84.11% 76.22% 90.00% 79.09% 68.12%
77 65.20% 49.38% 62.69% 69.25% 68.62% 58.67% 64.73% 59.26% 83.33% 66.67% 71.56% 86.92% 78.32% 90.00% 82.73% 70.64%
76 67.30% 51.85% 64.55% 71.22% 70.50% 59.69% 67.64% 60.88% 88.33% 66.67% 73.39% 86.92% 80.42% 100.00% 86.36% 72.94%
75 69.96% 54.32% 66.35% 73.29% 72.33% 63.27% 70.74% 62.55% 88.33% 66.67% 74.31% 87.85% 82.52% 100.00% 86.36% 75.00%
74 72.13% 55.56% 68.08% 75.98% 74.01% 65.31% 73.35% 64.12% 91.67% 66.67% 75.23% 88.79% 84.62% 100.00% 89.09% 75.92%
73 73.74% 56.17% 69.81% 77.12% 76.04% 66.84% 75.10% 65.90% 91.67% 66.67% 75.23% 89.72% 84.62% 100.00% 90.00% 77.75%
72 75.14% 58.64% 71.67% 78.88% 77.77% 68.88% 77.13% 67.78% 91.67% 66.67% 77.98% 89.72% 86.71% 100.00% 92.73% 78.67%
71 76.54% 61.73% 73.21% 79.81% 79.50% 70.41% 79.75% 70.14% 91.67% 66.67% 77.98% 90.65% 88.81% 100.00% 93.64% 80.28%
70 78.57% 64.20% 75.19% 81.68% 81.23% 71.43% 82.36% 71.71% 91.67% 73.33% 77.98% 92.52% 90.91% 100.00% 93.64% 81.19%
Percentage of proposals below threshold (<70) 21.43% 35.80% 24.81% 18.32% 18.77% 28.57% 17.64% 28.29% 8.33% 26.67% 22.02% 7.48% 9.09% 0.00% 6.36% 18.81%
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2025 6:55 am
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Hi LP, I am the same panel with you for EF-ENV, 94.4 with the ranking of 26th (from NCP of France). Your ranking should be higher than mine. Hope all of us will be successful.
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Hi everyone! Is there someone in the GF-ENG reserve list?
Re: 2024-MSCA-Reserve list
Yeah man, we are not far ! Will keep you update about it, still no news from the UK desk on my side ! Fingers crossed !philip_jason wrote: ↑Tue Feb 11, 2025 9:47 amHi LP, I am the same panel with you for EF-ENV, 94.4 with the ranking of 26th (from NCP of France). Your ranking should be higher than mine. Hope all of us will be successful.